


產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): 德國(guó)AquaNomics芯片制程超純水紫外線
產(chǎn)品型號(hào): AF-80
產(chǎn)品展商: Aqua-Nomics
產(chǎn)品價(jià)格: 50020.00 元
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


made in USA aqua-nomics紫外線殺菌器,是USA紫外線制造商生產(chǎn),環(huán)琪為代理商,環(huán)琪為中國(guó)區(qū)**維修中心,該品牌被**水處理界公認(rèn)為的好品牌aquanomics紫外線殺菌器aqua-nomics紫外線殺菌器Aqua-Nomics紫外線殺菌器Aqua-Nomics紫外線殺菌器

德國(guó)AquaNomics芯片制程超純水紫外線  的詳細(xì)介紹

The 45-1000 is designed to offer commercial swimming pools a reliable medium pressure UV system for disinfection and improved water quality. APPLICATIONS · Swimming pool disinfection MAIN CHARACTERISTICS · Medium pressure UV system for commercial swimming pool disinfection and chloramine reduction MAIN FEATURES · Medium pressure UV · Microprocessor control with data logging and language option · Smartdrive’ automatic wiper system with manual override · Outputs for connection to building management systems · Automatic low power option · Simple to install and operate with minimal space requirements · UL Listed · NSF 50 certi?ed · Substantial reduction of chloramines UV TECHNOLOGY: UVARAY 45-1000 TheUVARAYmediumpressureUVsystemisdesignedfordisinfection of commercial swimming pools. Medium pressure UV systems are particularly effective against the highly infectious Cryptosporidium Parvumand Giardia Lambliaspecies which are virtually unaffected by the use of chlorine alone. As UV is not a residual disinfectant, a chlorine residual is required to prevent cross infection between bathers. High proportions of combined chlorine products (chloramines) in circulating water are destroyed by the UV irradiation process. Removal of these compounds greatly improve bathing water quality,reducing skin and eye irritation and removing the common and unpleasant‘‘swimming pool’’ odour. HOW IT WORKS The medium pressure UV lamp is powered by magnetic ballasts housed within a separate wall mounted control panel.The wide spectral distribution of the Triogen lamp produces the simultaneous treatment of several aspects of the circulating pool water as described above. Lamp power can be set using the digital control panel. When the pool is not in use, the lamp output can automatically adjust to low, providing ef?cient disinfection with a 50% reduction in power consumption. The UV reactor incorporates a time controlled automatic wiper system which allows cleaning of the internal thimble housing the UV lamp. U V AQUA-NOMICS Medium Pressure UV Systems AQUA-NOMICS your local distributor: UV TECHNICAL FEATURES · CE Approval · BS4504 · ANSI 150 · NSF · UL MATERIALS · Reactor vessel: 316L stainless steel · Flanges: BS4504 or ANSI 150 · Lamp: high purity quartz · Thimble: high purity quartz · Wiper Ring: spring loaded PTFE · Panel: mild steel epoxy painted REMOTE CONTROLS AND SIGNALS · Lamp failure display alarm · Lamp change display alarm · Reactor temperature display alarm · Low UV intensity display alarm OPTIONS · Stainless steel bends · Inline basket strainers MODEL Reactor Dimensions (mm/inch) Flange (inch) A B C D E F G H J K L M N UVARAY 45 200/7.8 175/6.9 700/27.6 145/5.7 1065/41.9 275/10.8 900/35.4 700/27.6 170/6.7 200/7.9 150/5.8 350/13.8 285/11.2 3 UVARAY 90 200/7.8 175/6.9 600/23.6 195/7.7 1065/41.9 275/10.8 900/35.4 700/27.6 170/6.7 200/7.9 150/5.8 350/13.8 285/11.2 6 UVARAY 125 250/9.8 200/7.9 600/23.6 195/7.7 1065/41.9 325/12.8 900/35.4 700/27.6 220/8.6 250/9.8 175/6.9 350/13.8 285/11.2 6 UVARAY 210 250/9.8 200/7.9 900/35.4 220/8.6 1415/55.7 325/12.8 1250/49.2 1000/39.4 220/8.6 250/9.8 175/6.9 350/13.8 285/11.2 8 UVARAY 300 300/11.8 250/9.8 900/35.4 220/8.6 1415/55.7 375/14.6 1250/49.2 1000/39.4 270/10.6 300/11.8 200/7.9 350/13.8 285/11.2 8 UVARAY 400 400/15.7 300/11.8 840/33.0 250/9.8 1415/55.7 475/17.7 1250/49.2 1000/39.4 370/34.8 400/15.7 250/9.8 350/13.8 285/11.2 10 UVARAY 600 350/13.8 275/10.8 780/30.7 280/11 1415/55.7 425/16.7 1250/49.2 1000/39.4 320/12.6 350/13.8 250/9.8 350/13.8 285/11.2 12 UVARAY 750 400/15.7 300/11.8 780/30.7 280/11 1415/55.7 475/17.7 1250/49.2 1000/39.4 370/34.8 400/15.7 250/9.8 350/13.8 285/11.2 12 UVARAY 1000 400/15.7 300/11.8 720/28.3 310/12.2 1415/55.7 475/17.7 1250/49.2 1000/39.4 370/34.8 400/15.7 250/9.8 350/13.8 285/11.2 14 Length Height Width 10 DIA HOLE 10 DIA HOLE WIPERACCESS LAMPACCESS M E G N D C D B A H F J K MODEL Flow Rates (1) Lamp Power Supply Rating L x H x W m3/h US gpm kW V/ph/Hz mm inch UVARAY 45 45 200 1.6 400-480/ 3/50-60 600 x 800 x200 23.6 x 31.5 x 7.9 UVARAY 90 90 400 3.1 600 x 800 x 200 23.6 x 31.5 x 7.9 UVARAY 125 125 550 3.1 600 x800 x 200 23.6 x 31.5 x 7.9 UVARAY 210 210 920 6.1 600 x 1000 x 300 23.6 x 39.4 x 11.8 UVARAY 300 300 1330 6.1 600 x 1000 x 300 23.6 x 39.4 x 11.8 UVARAY 400 400 1760 6.1 600 x 1000 x 300 23.6 x 39.4 x 11.8 UVARAY 600 600 2640 2 x 6 = 12 600 x 1800 x 500 23.6 x 70.9 x 19.7 UVARAY 750 750 3300 2 x 6 = 12 600 x 1800 x 500 23.6 x 70.9 x 19.7 UVARAY 1000 1000 4400 3 x 6 = 18 600 x 1800 x 500 23.6 x 70.9 x 19.7 (1) Flowrates based on a dose of 60mj/cm2 at end of lamp file. AQUA-NOMICS E-MAIL:INFO@AQUANOMICSUV.COM WWW.AQUANOMICSUV.COM


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